
Apple’s Fresh Mumbai Store – Most Significant In Years

Apple’s first retail site in India is one of the company’s most sustainable outlets with Tim Cook and Deidre O’Brien, Apple’s retail chief. The store opened on Tuesday in Mumbai’s bustling Bandra Kurla Complex, with a sizable crowd in attendance. According to local media reports, some guests came from regions other than India’s primary financial center.

Cook was spotted personally greeting customers. Moreover, he is largely believed to be present for the opening of the second store in Delhi. The decision comes as the world’s most valuable corporation continues to focus on India as a consumer and manufacturing base.

The new physical outlets highlight Apple’s desire to expand into a country with 1.4 billion people and a burgeoning middle class. It’s also the world’s second-largest smartphone market, and with Android powering 95% of handsets there, Apple has lots of potential for expansion.

While the existence of two new stores will not significantly influence sales, Apple’s choice to create physical stores is both a statement of purpose and a branding exercise that it hopes will pull more people into its ecosystem and earn it more consumers over time.

“India has such a beautiful culture and incredible energy. We’re excited to build on our long-standing history — supporting our customers, investing in local communities, and working together to build a better future.”

Can Retail Stores Help Apple Conquer the Indian Market?

Apple is the world’s second-largest smartphone manufacturer, after only Samsung, although its 6% market share in India remains minimal. Many consumers in the country believe that Apple’s products are too pricey.

According to the latest government figures, the average monthly income for normal full-time employees in India is 18,585 rupees ($226.5). Comparing, an iPhone 14 costs 79,900 rupees ($973.6), while the iPhone SE, a lower-cost variant, costs 49,900 rupees ($608.2).

Undoubtedly, Apple’s position is ascertained to level higher with this step. However, still, it is a mystery whether Apple will be able to fetch the entire Indian smartphone market considering its flagship products.

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